There's Cole using a float to hover upside down in the pool. He thinks this is the most clever thing ever!
"Did you see me??!!"
Do other people's kids just happily float on pool toys, using them in the fashion they were designed, never popping them, just FLOATING on them?? Because, my children don't.
They make forts out of floats. They hang upside down under water in floats. They fling themselves onto floats and skim down the length of the pool (sometimes results in popping). They all bounce up and down in floats to see it they can make a wave of pool water swamp the deck (sometimes rough enough to pop a float). They stack up 2 or 3 ring floats and jump or dive into the 'hole' (been known to pop a float). They try to stand up and surf on a float. They pile as many kids as they can onto one float to sink it. They make water slides into the pool with a long float and the garden hose (potential popping situation). They tried to set Blackie Chan adrift on a float (POP!). See a theme here ? ..POP!
We took a break from popping pool floats to make cupcakes. The boys made 'America' cupcakes and Carlie helped me with the flowers.
Silly Mom made mini cupcakes. You know, the little ones that you can pop in your mouth in one bite. Just getting them cooled and decorated before the kids had eaten half of them was a major effort. The rest of the day someone was grabbing one, popping the whole thing in his or her mouth and looking like a frosting covered chipmunk as they denied taking another cupcake with their cheeks puffed out full of sugary goodness.