As I've said, the best part of summer vacation is sleeping late..
I haven't been able to experience that particular joy yet this summer, but I'm still sure it exists.
Today I blissfully dreaming, something about winning the lottery or a big prize when I hear an abrupt ,
"MOM, where's my DSI?".
Huh? Your what??? and why I am I supposed to know where it is. "Go ask your brother."
There, I solved that crisis, so back to sleep I go. Good mom award for me.
I was just dozing back off into that especially deep sleep, back into my dream, just about to explain why I selected the exact numbers I did. They were ..
"MOM!!! They really do exist! The BEAV-COON is real!!!"
Huh? the what?? Oh, no brother is awake!
I open my bleary eyes to see my youngest child jumping up and down and holding his fingers in circles around his super-wide-open eyes.
"They have BIG eyes like THIS!!! SEEEE!!!!" He yells excitedly.
"And big buck teeth like this!" says this jumping, bouncing boy as he protrudes his front teeth over his bottom lip.
Really? I mean, REALLY???
"AND THEY GO LIKE THIS!!!!" he yells as he jumps onto the bed and starts making loud "OOO, OOO, AAAA,OOOO" monkey noises as he bounces.
Stop that!!
"See, big eyes LIKE THIS!!!" he says again as he leans right into my half-asleep face until our noses touch and I can see how big his BEAV-COON finger-rimmed eyes are.
Get out of my face!!
Go do that somewhere else! There are no Beav-coons or Tig-onkeys or even Giraffe-ippos!
Ok, I solved that animal circus crisis. If I try really hard I might be able to go back to my lottery dream and hear the winning numbers! Almost there, just dozing off and I'm about to say the exact numbers I chose ..
Weed trimmer.
Followed by zero -turn lawn mower, followed by a lot of other annoying sounds. The neighbor's lawn service is right on time at 8:30 am. I might as well get up and feed BEAV-COON boy some giant waffles.
On a motivating note, the other boy REALLY, I mean REALLY needs an expensive Tony Hawk skateboard, so he was even willing to try his hand at being our own discount lawn service today. He charges $5.00 but at least he works afternoons, not mornings.
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