Happy 4th of July - frantically waving from the good ol' Us of A to my sister & her husband in China! See how all-American we are?
We took great photos in red, white and blue stuff. Doesn't Carlie look happy? >>>>
Cole used his special patriotic ninja flag moves on her so she's thrilled. She'll probably tell him he doesn't exist again today.
Our patriotic photos were interupted by the arrival of an AMERICAN alligator- aka Gary the gator. The kids ran out to see him. I didn't get a great photo before he sunk down but before this shot his whole head and back were visible. Early in the am (while I was sound asleep) David saw him fully up on the bank.

Then we threw some yummy all -AMERICAN favorites in the cooler - Coca-cola, chicken tenders, and hot dogs - and headed for the beach. Who cares if it is gray and rainy? It's the 4th of July!
We had a great beach day but the surf was rough, really rough. It nearly sucked my darling little dumplin's out to sea. They ended up scraped and
with swimsuits full of wet sand but all alive. Now my super cool day-tripping transporter (the van) is full of wet sand.
It poured rain at times and we had no problem with crowds or traffic.
Then, we finished the night off with sparklers and watching the fireworks show from downtown Kissimmee.
Happy 4th of JULY!!!
You were going there to get wet anyway, right? The picture of your little guy in the surf could be scary - I am glad he is ok. Love the 4th pictures - where I am, there is a fourth, but none we celebrate :-( Holidays it is not so fun to live out of your home country.