July 20, 2010

Day 30 - AgressiveMother. com

"Be careful!"

"Don't do that!"


"Because you'll get hurt."

"I said BE CAREFUL!!"

"Stop doing that, NOW!"
"You're scaring me! KNOCK IT OFF!"

That is the sound of me telling the kids to calm it down as they act like wild banshees in the pool. I'm always waiting, on the verge of dialing the first two numbers of 9-1-1, just in case I have to call an ambulance.

"Be careful!!!!!!!" I've said that about 1 million times this summer.
Cole just looked at me today and said, "AgressiveMother.com, that's where you need to go."
What the heck is AgressiveMother. com?? That kid's a riot.


  1. I had a kid like this once; lucky for him he grew up. It doesn't get better as they grow either - once a quick wit always a quick wit. As a teen, it isn't fun being a parent to them. My son started when he was nearly 3 - "where did you get the beautiful red hair?" "came with my head". Yeah, doesn't get any easier. Good luck and have fun!
