Isn't that cool? The dragonflies are swarming all around the yard. They get trapped in the screened-in area around the pool. They are blue and green and there are some really cool ones with brown tiger-striped wings. There are plenty of damselflies, also. They flit around too quickly to photograph.
Little spiders have suddenly shown up in the bushes and under the eaves of the garage. I'm not as crazy about spiders as I am the dragonflies but I s
till snapped a few shots.

The wasps are swarming around, too. They get in the screened-in area and make the kids scream!
"A WASP!!!!!"
Then, they jump out of the pool and race in the house, dripping all over the place.
Of course, the deadly stinging insect is usually way up at the top of the screen roof, about 20' above the kids. Good thing they got away quick!
Run away, 'fraidy cats, run away!
I always save the day with my trusty can o' wasp & hornet spray. I take steady aim and fire like a pistolero in a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western. The bad guy always drops dead to the ground just like the evil banditos in the wild west did when Clint shot 'em.
It's hot. Too hot to go anywhere. Certainly too hot to go to skate park.
And it's too hot to play outside. And besides, there's no one to play with - Ryan is gone for a month, the other Ryan is gone until school, Justin is at camp, Nathaniel is at his dad's, and all three of the kids are just sooooo BORED with no one to play with.
No one to play with (God forbid, that they play with each other!).
Go play with the bugs I'm watching old movies.
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