"Ugh, do we HAVE to go?"
"I don't want to go."
" Why can't you go when Dad gets home?"
The one exception is the liquor store. EVERYONE begs to go if Dad is going to the liquor store. The liquor store gives FREE lollipops. And once, when they were out of free lollipops they gave the children a king size bag of Skittles.
"Wow! That was awfully generous!" was my initial thought, then I remembered that they've made enough money off of us to buy stock in the M&M Mars candy company.
Today I needed to run to the pool store for liquid chlorine to combat the sickly green tinge the pool has from all the daily rain showers. The usual chorus of "Do we have to go?" started and continue right through to check out time at the store. Then, there IT was - a bowl full of FREE lollipops.
The ride home was filled with
"The pool store is cool."
"Yeh, I like that place. Can I come with you next time?"
and my favorite from Carlie,
"I think free lollipops taste better than paid-for ones."
I agree.
Lol, if only every store offered free lollipops, then we could get them to do our shopping, right? Cute post.